timeconstraintsHow many times have you thought about taking a vacation, but resigned not too? Whether it’s because of financial reasons or time constrains, more than half of Americans (55%) leave vacation days unused. (I’m guilty as charged)!
Did you know not taking a trip is costing you money?!!
Yes, it may sound counterintuitive, but not getting away can do more harm than good, and here’s why.
People who use 11 or more vacation days are more likely to get a praise.
In the article, Data Driven Case for Vacation, it’s noted that people who took 11 or more days of vacation were 65.4% likely to receive a raise in a three year period. While those who took less time off only had a 34.6% chance.
Wait a minute, those who rarely take vacation days (like my boyfriend), are less likely to get a raise?
I know you may be hesitant to believe this and some of you may completely object. I felt the same way initially.
In truth, by not taking vacation days, you’re leaving money on the table.
Shawn Achor and Michelle Gielan said it best,
“If you are not taking all your time off, you’re not working more — you’re volunteering your time.”
In other words you are working for free!
In fact, Americans are forfeiting $61.4 billion in benefits.
You’re also less productive when you don’t take time off. Being able to relax and go somewhere far from home can increase your well-being.
Our daily routines can consume all of our time and life is about more than accomplishment. When you take the time to create experiences life becomes more fulfilling and that’s the key to happiness.
We never know what tomorrow will bring, so do what you can while you can to enjoy life and plan that well deserved vacation!
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